



简介:Are you feeling all right? 您是感觉好吗? Are you feeling nausea? 您是感觉恶心吗? Are your bowels acting properly? 您的肠能适当地行动吗? Are your bow....行业英语



简介:【编者:两则常用的医学英语会话。大量的使用了简写,目的是尽量体现出口语化的特点。】 Dialogue 1 Give an injection (注射) (Introduction: In a ward of Surgica....行业英语



简介:住院常用医学口语 (一)交流语 1) How do you do? / Good morning! 你好! 2) What can I do for you?/Can I help you?我能给你帮助吗? 3) I'll bring you to you....行业英语



简介:(一)拨打、找人电话 1) Good morning. is that nursing department? 早上好!是护理部吗? 2) Yes, can I help you? 是的,我能帮助你吗? 3) Well , I'd like to spea....行业英语



简介:1) Hello. What brought you to the emergency room?看什么急诊? 2) I feel vomit. It is awful.我想吐,好难受。 3) I have got severe pains in my belly.我的肚子已....行业英语



简介: (一)护士与患者初次见面语 1)What is the matter, sir/ madern……先生/女士,你怎么啦? 2) I feel really terrible.我感觉很难受。 3)Right .Now you just g....行业英语



简介:手术治疗:surgical management 抗肿瘤治疗:antineoplastic therapy 诱导治疗:induction therapy 巩固治疗:consolidation therapy 辅助治疗:adjunctive therap....行业英语



简介:Research on English Translation of TCM 1. Chuan-Yue NIU (Foreign Language Education Center, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201....行业英语



简介:A Abdominal flatulence 中满 Abdominal fullness and distention 腕痛胀满 Abdominal retention 鼓胀 Accompanied Symptoms 兼证 Activating blood and dissolv....行业英语



简介:There's a system‘s failure. 机器系统出毛病了。 There's a breakdown. 出毛病了。 I'm phoning to complain about the product. 我打电话投诉产品问题。 I'....行业英语



简介:Well, I've certainly had an excellent time here. And you have been kind. 哦,我在这儿过得非常愉快。你们真是太好了。 It's been a great pleasure to have you ....行业英语



简介:What's the interest rate for the savings account? 储蓄存款的利率是多少? Do you pay interest on this account? 这种存款付给利息吗? Please tell me what the a....行业英语



简介:T: Hello! May I help you?您好,您有事需要帮忙吗? C: Yes, I hope so. I need some more cash for my visit in China. May I cash a traveler's check here?是的, 是....行业英语



简介: How much do you want to deposit with us? 你想在我们这存多少? How much do you wish to pay into your account? 你希望在你的户头上存多少? How much money ....行业英语



简介: Please tell me how much you want to change. 请告诉我你要换多少。 How much of the remittance do you want to convert into Japanese yen? 你要把多少汇款换成日....行业英语



简介: Customer: Excuse me , but can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in China ? 顾客:劳驾,请问我能不能提取存款尝付我在中国买东西的费用? Clerk: C....行业英语



简介: Customer: Hello, I would like to open an account, but I do not know what account it should be. 顾客:你好。我想开立一个帐户,但我不知道要开哪种帐户。 Clerk: ....行业英语



简介:付款方法 mode of payment 现金付款 payment by cash||cash payment||payment by ready cash 以支票支付 payment by cheque 以汇票支付 payment by bill 以物品支付....行业英语



简介:请入收款人的户号 account payee 请支付票款 advice to pay cheques 惠请通知该支票的经过 advise fate 金额有错误 accounts differ 文字与数字所记载金额不同 wo....行业英语



简介:银行业务例文 定期存款的条件为年利6%, 存期6个月以上, 只要金额1,000元, 我们均乐意接受。 We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than....行业英语



简介:请求付款 恳请速予汇款为荷。 an early remittance will be appreciated. 迟付的60美元, 请速予寄下为荷。 Please let us have your check for the $60 now past over....行业英语



简介:兹同函奉上支票面额50000元,请记入近藤幸造先生的帐款内,同时请寄收 据二份为荷。 Herewith we enclose a cheque, value $50,000, which please place to the credit o....行业英语



简介:What about W.P.A.? 水渍险呢? W.P.A. has a broader coverage. It covers everything in F.P.A. plus partial loss caused by natural calamities. 水渍险范围广一....行业英语



简介:Of course. We will have the Sales Contract made out in two days. 当然了。两天后销售合同就准备好。 Please remember to use both English and Chinese versions a....行业英语



简介:1. I'd like to open an account in your bank. Should I take a number first? 我想在你们银行开户。我要先取号码牌吗? 2. What's your interest rate for your checki....行业英语



简介:What kind of account did you have in your mind? 你想开哪种帐户? Do you like to open a current account? 你想开一个活期存款帐户吗? A deposit or current ....行业英语



简介:如果一个英国人和你说:I put my tit for tat on my crust of bread and my daisy roots on my plates of meat and fell down the apples and pears because I was elephan....行业英语



简介:I. History of Money 一、货币历史 Money's got a very colourful history, because a number of things have been used in the place of what we use as money. Feath....行业英语



简介:1 普通英语词汇在医学英语中的意义转变,如“tender”本意为“柔嫩的”,在医学英语中常译为“压痛”,“plastic”本意为“可塑的、塑料的”,在医学英语中常译为“整形的....行业英语



简介:Telephone Appointment 对话 1: (为自己预约) Dialogue One (make an appointment with the doctor for oneself) 值班护士:早上好,这里是约翰逊大夫办公室。有....行业英语



简介:Lesson 1 迎接病人 【Situation 场景】 系列会话中,一个护士迎接病人的到来,并与病人建立初步的关系。 请大家注意该护士是用什么方式与病人沟通的、她如何自我介绍,....行业英语

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