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高二英语第二十一单元Music (音乐)_高二英语教案

日期:04-26| 味学网| http://www.weixiu6.com |高二英语教案 |人气:460

高二英语第二十一单元Music (音乐)_高二英语教案由http://www.weixiu6.com整理发布,类别:高二英语教案, 本站还有更多关于英语教案模板大全,人教版高二英语教案方面的资料。

The old couple have already been married for fifty years .

She has got married to a man from her hometown .

They married their youngest daughter to a man with a lot of money .

3 . perform 用作动词,意为“执行,完成,做;演出,表演”。例如:


They computer performs these calculations with surprising speed .

The surgeon was performed a dangerous operation .

The singer had never performed in Beijing before .

He will be performing on the flute tonight .

4 . praise 可用作及物动词,意为“赞扬,表扬”,例如:

He was praised for his good works .

They praised him for risking his life to save his comrade .

He was praised for finishing his work ahead of time .

praise 还可以用作名词,意为“赞扬;赞扬的话 ( 用复数 ) ”。例如:

My books received high praise from general readers .

The teacher\'s praise had greatly encouraged us .

The praise of mine usually made the students feel very happy .

5 . nowadays 用作副词,表示与以前相比,意为“时下;现今”,常与一般现在时动词连用。例如:

Nowadays a lot of people go abroad .

Nowadays young people prefer watching TV to reading books .

They used to read novels , but nowadays they read newspapers .


1 . in praise of 意为“称赞,赞扬 ( = to praise ) ”。例如:

He made a report in praise of country life .

We all spoke in praise of the boy\'s courage and bravery .

2 . learn … by heart 意为“记住;背诵”。例如:

I have learned the reading materials by heart .

Have you learned by heart the main points of the article?

It\'s very difficult for the children to learn the poem by heart .

3 . earn one\'s living 意为“谋生;挣钱”。例如:

He had to earn his living at the his early age .

The fishermen earned their living by fishing .

Some people earn their living by writing stories .

4 . play the guitar / piano / violin / flute , 英语中表示乐器的名词前通常要用定冠词。

I used to play the flute after school , but I usually operate the computer at present .

She couldn\'t learn to play the piano quite well without a teacher .

Which can you play better , the guitar or the flute?

The lady often enjoyed herself b

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