·英语教案-unin9 Gymnastics写作训练-教案
简介:写作训练每个单元都必须进行,每个单元都可以根据该单元的主题设计一个写作的题目,让学生写一篇作文,事后一要进行讲评。 如在该单元可以设计以下的一个书面表达作业:写....高三英语教案
·英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly Revision(二)-教案
简介:Lesson 46 教学设计示例(二) Step1:Revision: revise the key words in the dialogue by filling blanks.a.I suggest you take a tent. I can lend you one and a few ....高三英语教案
·英语教案-unin9 Gymnastics教学-教案
简介:Lesson34教学设计方案 Step1:Introduction:Good morning, class. Now please open your book to page51,and look at the pictures please.(or the teacher can show some p....高三英语教案
·英语教案-union2 Casptain Cook lession7-8-教案
简介:教学设计方案Lesson 7 Step1 RevisionCheck the Ss’ homework.Step2 Reading (scanning) Ask the Ss to find more information about Cook’s expedition in 1769 PLACE ....高三英语教案
·英语教案-Unit 12 Mainly Revision(一)-教案
简介:Lesson 46 教学设计方案(一) Step 1 Lead – in (Show some pictures to attract the Ss’ interests about the text.)Step 2 Reading:A.Ask the Ss to do some “True ....高三英语教案
·union3 Australia lession 11-12-教案
简介:教学设计方案Lesson 111. For the first time, Ss read and do the following reading comprehension exercise in given time, usually 5 minutes:1). Paragraph 1 mainly ....高三英语教案
·英语教案-unin 14 Roots-Lesson 53-教案
简介:Step 1 Revision 1 Check the hom ework exercises. 2 Get Ss to have a dialogue like the one in Part 2 of Lesson 52, in pairs, with their books shut.Step 2 ....高三英语教案
·英语教案-My teacher (二)-教案
简介:教学设计示例 Lesson 66教学设计方案StepI.Revision:Do dictation of the key 3 paragraphs or do a cloze based on the textStepII:Fast reading 1. Annie entered an ins....高三英语教案
简介: </Script> 作者:李景莉 1 New York, London, Paris and other big city are nice and 1. ________ excited places to live in. There are many interesting things ....高三英语教案
·高三Roots (根)_高三英语教案
简介: </Script> 一、教法建议在本单元,同学们通过阅读课文“Journey into the unknown”和“Roots”,可以了解18 – 19世纪白人捕捉和贩运黑人作奴隶及虐待他们的罪恶历史....高三英语教案
简介: </Script>首先,尤其重要的,最重要的 above all偶然,无意中 by accident 对(于)…很积极 be active in 合计为 add up to 承让错误 admit one’s mistake接受某....高三英语教案
·unin13 The USA(一)-教案
简介:Lesson 49教学设计方案(一)StepI:Reading comprehension: I) Fast Reading: Search for answers within 2 minutes. 1. Why Ellis Island became known as the “Island ....高三英语教案
·My teacher
简介: 教学目标词汇:l.burst into laughter 2.look back upon 3.born作形容词,表示“天生的” 4.Simple-minded 5.bring… into touch with(这里的into可以与in互换....高三英语教案
简介: </Script>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 4 Lesson 141.Today farming employs more people than any other types of work. 今天从事农业的人要多于从事任何其它工种的....高三英语教案
·Angkor wat
简介: 教学目标1.重点词汇、短语、句型结构 1 )firm, go ( link v. ) , turn( link v. ) 2)stop sb. doing sth. ,put up, keep off ,masses of, as it is ,at war, fall ....高三英语教案
·Madame Curie
简介: 教学目标 1.交际用语;掌握交际用语中关于Certainty and uncertainty 的使用,并使学生能够熟练运用下列表达: Perhaps I'll go to that one. Maybe it was ....高三英语教案
·高三英语第十八单元Office Equipment_高三英语教案
简介: </Script>科目 英语 年级 高三文件 high3 unit8.doc标题 章节 第十八单元关键词 高三英语第十八单元内容一、教法建议 同学们通过阅读“The Office”和“What cause....高三英语教案
简介: </Script> 作者:刘京 1. There were birds too, with the eyes carved out of the rock and painted white. 这儿还有鸟儿,眼睛是在岩石上雕成突出的,并涂成白色。 本....高三英语教案
简介: </Script> 作者:王振祥 Many of the world\'s pollution problems have been caused by the crowding of large groups of people into cities. Supply for the __1_....高三英语教案
·unin15 Study skills 上课-教案
简介:Lesson 57 教学设计方案StepI:Reading:I). Main facts Find out the right topic sentence for each paragraph. Paragraph 1 _____ Paragraph 2 _____ Paragraph 3 ____....高三英语教案
简介: </Script>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 7 Lesson 271.In 1177 the capital city of Angkor was seized after a fierce battle and fell into ruins. 1177年,经过一场....高三英语教案
·unit1 Madame Curie教学目标-教案
简介:教学目标 1.交际用语;掌握交际用语中关于Certainty and uncertainty 的使用,并使学生能够熟练运用下列表达: Perhaps Ill go to that one. Maybe it was useful ....高三英语教案
简介: </Script>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 12 Lesson 45 1.I’ve got three weeks altogether. 我一共要住三个星期。altogether adv. 完全;总共;总的来说;总而言之;....高三英语教案
简介: </Script> 作者:籍万杰 1. You can love your friend, even though you don\'t agree with everything she or he says. 你能爱你的朋友,即使你并不同意他们所说的每....高三英语教案
简介: </Script>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 9 Lesson 331.She is at the doctor’s. 她在医生诊疗室里。 at the doctor’s 在医生办公室里; 在英语中,表示“在……家里....高三英语教案
·英语教案-unin5 Advertise lession19-20-教案
简介:Lesson 19教学设计方案 ADVERTISING(2) StepI.Reading Comprehension:(give the students 7 to 8 minutes to finish the exercises.)1. According to the text, most peopl....高三英语教案
简介: </Script>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 10 Lesson 391.And he was sure to make a lot of money. 他相信能赚一大笔钱。make money 赚钱;e.g. These people are just....高三英语教案
·Angkor wat教学目标-教案
简介:1.重点词汇、短语、句型结构 1 )firm, go ( link v. ) , turn( link v. ) 2)stop sb. doing sth. ,put up, keep off ,masses of, as it is ,at war, fall to pieces, tak....高三英语教案
简介: </Script> 作者:赵勤 1. Something may have happened to her. She might have had an accident. 她可能发生了什么事,或许遭到了什么意外。 \"may (might) + have +....高三英语教案
·unin5 Advertise lession17-18-教案
简介:Lesson 17教学设计方案Step 1 .PresentationAsk questions like these: Where can you find advertisements? Why do companies advertise? Do you watch advertisements....高三英语教案
·英语教案-unin4 Feed the world-教案
简介:Lesson 14 教学设计方案 StepI:Introduction Good morning,class.First,I will ask you a question: “Do you often feel hungry?”Wanglin,please… While, maybe you d....高三英语教案