

日期:12-27| 味学网| http://www.weixiu6.com |办公软件教程 |人气:862

动态修改Excel数据表的数据来源由http://www.weixiu6.com整理发布,类别:办公软件教程, 本站还有更多关于办公软件学习,office办公软件教程,办公软件视频教程,电脑知识入门方面的资料。


' 更改数据表的来源
' wb:工作表对象
' connectionName:数据来源连接名称
' strSQL:新查询语句(修改SQL的查询代码)
' strSQLConnection:新连接语句(修改来源数据库,在对DBF数据库操作时非常有用)
' author: zhang@zhiqiang.org, 2010
Public Sub ChangeODBCConnection(wb As Excel.Workbook, connectionName As String, _
        Optional strSQL As String = "", Optional strSQLConnection As String = "")

    With wb.Connections(connectionName).ODBCConnection
        If Len(strSQLConnection) Then .CommandText = SplitString(strSQLConnection)
        If Len(strSQL) Then .Connection = SplitString(strSQL)
    End With
End Sub

' 更改数据表的来源
' pc:数据透视表的PivotCache对象 (例如:ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotCache)
' connectionName:数据来源连接名称
' strSQL:新查询语句(修改SQL的查询代码)
' strSQLConnection:新连接语句(修改来源数据库,在对DBF数据库操作时非常有用)
' author: zhang@zhiqiang.org, 2010
Public Sub ChangePivotConnection(pc As Excel.PivotCache, Optional strSQLConnect, _
        Optional strSQL As String = "")
    Dim blnODBCConnect As Boolean

    With pc
        If .QueryType = xlODBCQuery Then
            blnODBCConnect = True
            If Len(strSQLConnect) = 0 Then strSQLConnect = .Connection
            strSQLConnect = Replace(strSQLConnect, "ODBC;DSN", "OLEDB;DSN", 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
        End If

        If StrComp(.Connection, strSQLConnect, vbTextCompare) <> 0 And Len(strSQLConnect) Then
            .Connection = strSQLConnect
        End If

        If StrComp(.CommandText, strSQL, vbTextCompare) <> 0 And Len(strSQL) Then
            .CommandText = (strSQL)
        End If

        If blnODBCConnect = True Then
            .Connection = Replace(.Connection, "OLEDB;DSN", "ODBC;DSN", 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
        End If

    End With
End Sub

' 将字符串分割成短字符串的数组
Private Function SplitString(ByVal s As String) As Variant
    Dim ss() As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    ReDim ss(0 To Len(s) \ 200) ' note: it is not 256
    For i = 0 To UBound(ss)
        ss(i) = Array(Mid(s, i * 200 + 1, 200))
    Next i

    SplitString = ss
End Function

以上代码在Office 2007版通过测试,其余版本未知。
